The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report for 2023, a longstanding index that monitors countries’ progress in narrowing gender gaps since its inception in 2006, positions Kenya at 77th place among 146 countries, indicating that there is room for improvement. Further to this, the representation of women in decision-making processes in Kenya remains inadequate, and gender-based violence lingers as a pressing issue. Women and girls continue to spend extensive hours on household responsibilities such as fetching firewood and water, which not only hinders their school attendance rates and employment prospects but also impacts their overall well-being.
Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey, and in regions with limited resources, the path becomes even more daunting. Bridging this gap in developing countries, such as Africa, first starts with education.
Drexel University and the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship (Close School) recognized this need for entrepreneurial education and embarked on a remarkable journey to support young female entrepreneurs in West Pokot, Kenya. HER Lab is a place in West Pokot, Kenya where Global Give Back Circle’s holistic workforce readiness programming takes place. Over six months during the Global Give Back Circle (GGBC) HER Lab partnership with Drexel’s Close School for entrepreneurship education, two Drexel students, guided by a Close School faculty advisor, introduced a curriculum designed to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and innovative thinking skills to 50 Kenyan girls, laying the foundation for a transformative experience.